воскресенье, 13 марта 2016 г.

Wallpaper color affects the perception of the walls as will as interior kitchen design.

Wallpaper color affects the perception of the walls as will as interior kitchen design.

Wallpaper color affects the perception of the walls as will as interior kitchen design.  The dark color of the wallpaper contrast with white shelves and white wallpaper contrast with dark shelves. Likewise with the lamps, clock, decorative products for walls. On the walls can be hung various frames made from different materials. These frames can be different lengths, widths, with various texture and various colors. Large frame look exciting if they are tasteful. Such a framework can be combined with the various  fixture and shelves. The combination framework with lamps, shelves, decorative items for wall, pano, can be seen in internet or in computers programs. Photo pano which will hung next framework can be ordered online in internet store or print photos of the big permission and pick up frames different size and texture for this pano. You can print images for pano not only nature, animals, equipment, people but also various images with illusions and association. Framework for a photo or pano you can do yourself. It is not difficult and will save you money. If you make frame from wood then you need to buy paint or varnish. Varnish or color can be color. Exciting look of the frames if they spray paint from cans. The spray dispenser can be made of silver or gold paint. On the frame can glue the beads. How this is done can be find in You Tube. In you tube you can find how to make the frame.

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